
Our Services / Cognitive Neurofeedback

Cognitive Neurofeedback

Cognitive Neurofeedback offered in Colorado Springs, CO

You're sitting on a sofa facing a screen. You're playing a game. On your head, there's a headset, and an electrode is attached to your scalp. The headset communicates with software on a mobile device programmed to respond to your brain's activity.

From an observer's perspective, you may appear to be simply relaxing and playing video games, but your brain is actually doing hard work. Based on your brain activity, you may be doing well at the game or, alternatively, your player may be struggling.

You’re doing EEG-based neurofeedback, typically referred to as simply neurofeedback, which is a non-invasive methodology that measures your brainwave activity and trains your brain using visual and auditory cues.

What is Neurofeedback Therapy?

Neurofeedback is a technique that leverages modern technology and scientific knowledge to train brainwaves. It is one of a broader group of biofeedback therapies relying on the principle that if a person can access information about their bodily functions in real time, they can learn to control them.

Biofeedback can be applied to a variety of bodily processes such as muscle tension, body temperature, or blood pressure, and a variety of conditions, including anxiety, migraines, and chronic pain.

Neurofeedback is a form of biofeedback based on a learning method called operant conditioning, which involves rewards and punishments for behavior. Through operant conditioning, an association is made between a behavior and a consequence (whether negative or positive).

The goal of neurofeedback is to train the brain to regulate itself and help you understand when your brain is in the desired state. Eventually, your brain may be able to maintain a more balanced state even when it's not receiving feedback.

For example, you may not be aware when your brain is in a focused state or notice when your mind is wandering. During neurofeedback training, visual and/or auditory feedback clue you in on exactly when your mind is wandering in real time, and you learn how to restore your focus to the activity at hand.

Common conditions cognitive neurofeedback treats:

    • ADD & ADHD
    • Autism (increase function, not cure)
    • Depression
    • Stress Management
    • Anxiety
    • PTSD
    • Insomnia
    • Panic Attacks
    • Seizure Disorders
    • Traumatic Brain Injuries
    • Developmental Delays

Disclaimer: cognitive neurofeedback treatments do not cure underlying conditions, but can improve the brain's function and may lessen symptoms.